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Heart Surgery Lab
Analytic Dashboard


GE Healthcare

Creative Direction, UX Research, Sketches, Wireframes, Interaction Design, Visual Design, Prototypes

Situation: St. Luke's Hospital heart surgery lab was wasting ~ $10k per hour on equipment not being used.

Task: Display lab data as visualizations to determine who and how much time was spent on the equipment and associated tasks.

Action: I practiced innovative research methods on site, and convinced the product development team to refocus efforts on new analytic visualizations.

Results: My design solutions for the Cath Lab Efficiency Management product led to the “Most Innovative New Technology” award at San Francisco’s annual health conference, and I was granted a U.S. Patent for the graphical interface.


Award-winning, U.S. Patented interface for Heart Surgery Lab analytics, GE Healthcare


Sketch, wireframe, and visual design for the final analytic dashboard, GE Healthcare


U.S. Patent: Display Screen or portion thereof with graphical interface, GE Healthcare

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